What do the ubiquitous Gone Girl, the middle-school novel Stolen Voices, and A Reunion of Ghosts have in common? I’d have answered, “Nothing much,” until I saw this month’s Mademoiselles De Mode. So now I know that they are that Dutch magazine’s three must reads for summer.
Given that my Dutch is non-existent, I ran the review through Google Translator. The take-away line says, “This is a special book that is both interesting and unlike any other.” And I also learned that in Dutch “Vee,” the name of one of my main characters, apparently means an animal raised for meat, leading to sentences throughout the review like, “Three sisters, Lady, Livestock, and Delph, wish to commit suicide” and “One of the sisters, Cattle, is dying of cancer.” No wonder why Vee is so moooody.
Okay–that was even too awful for me.