Many thanks to the members of the Mississippi Library Commission who have included A Reunion of Ghosts in the MLC’s list of the best adult novels of 2015. The full list is available on the MLC’s pinterest page.
And meanwhile, over at the Richmond, Virginia Public Library, there’s this little reivew, which made me laugh:
A Reunion of Ghosts by Judith Clare Mitchell
Overheard at the library:
“Natalie said it really picks up after the first suicide.” –Kerry P–(It’s funny ‘cuz it’s true.) This book takes a bit to really get rolling but given a chance this darkly comic tale of a suicide pact between sisters is certainly worth your attention. Written as a sort of joint suicide note/memoir/confessional penned by the three childless Alter sisters, this is a marvelously witty multi-generational family saga about the “Alter curse,” from late 19th century Germany to New York’s Upper West Side today, loosely inspired by the life of the German-Jewish scientist who invented Chlorine gas.